Tuesday, April 2, 2013

GitLab 5.0 installation RedHat

Rewriting the default protocol for GitHub for those using proxy to access Internet on servers:

git config --global url.https://github.com/.insteadOf git://github.com/

after this git prefers https:// protocol over git://. 

This is very useful when you are using scripts for in installation.

If you want to install Gitlab with proxy you would get

Fetching git://github.com/gollum/gollum.git
github.com: errno=Connection refused
after changing protocol to https everything runs smooth ;-)

For large projects check timeout in ~/gitlab/config/unicorn.rb

GitLab error
OpenSSL Errors and Rails – Certificate Verify Failed – Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError

source 'http://rubygems.org'